Buy Now or Wait? There is no perfect time.

Should You Buy Now or Wait?

There are a lot of homebuyers, especially first-time homebuyers, waiting on the sidelines trying to gauge the market on when is the best time to buy. My answer? There isn’t a perfect time to buy. It is what is right…

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John and Sue's Store. Finding $750/month in cash flow.

Client Win: Freeing Up John and Sue’s Cash Flow

It’s no secret that the last few years have been difficult with managing rising costs and job uncertainty. In John and Sue’s case, the stress of their upcoming mortgage renewal kept them up at night. They were already living tightly…

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Downpayment options for first-time homebuyers

Downpayment Options for First-Time Home Buyers

One of the main questions I get from first-time homebuyers is, “Where do I find my downpayment?” With most of my first-time buyer clients, we look at a few downpayment options to buy a home. What is a Downpayment? A…

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Be Life Rich, Not House Poor. Why you should stay within your pre-approval budget.

Be Life Rich, Not House Poor

When I work with clients on their mortgage pre-approvals, there’s one key component I like to stress. Buying at the top end of your pre-approval budget could be setting you up for tighter expenses and stress down the road. Being…

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Is your HELOC costing you? Managing your HELOC.

Is Your HELOC Costing You Money?

It was a trend years ago for your mortgage to be put into a home equity line of credit (HELOC). This is where you had access to revolving equity in your home and could pay down as you chose.   Back…

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4 Tips to Manage a Layoff

4 Tips to Manage your Finances a Layoff

There’s been a lot of news lately about layoffs. It seems like nearly every company is going through some type of downsizing to start 2023.  But, what happens if you have lost your job or are faced with a huge…

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Let’s Talk About Amortization

I want to talk to you about amortization. What is it and how can we potentially change it so you have more cash flow in your budget? What Is Amortization? Amortization is the length of time it takes you to…

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