Purchasing a new home is exciting. But let’s face it, exciting does not describe the mortgage process, unless of course, you’re a mortgage broker!

  • How much do I qualify for?
  • First time homebuyer?
  • Discounted rates & rate holds?
  • Downpayment or lack of?
  • Self Employed?
  • Divorce/Separation Situations?
  • Credit Score?

Why Use a Mortgage Broker?

Purchasing a home without a broker can be a limiting experience.

Mortgage Brokers represent you, the customer, not the lender. Because they are not employees of a lending institution, Brokers are not limited in the product they can offer you. Brokers seek out the best lender package to suit your specific situation, whether it’s with a Chartered Bank, Trust or Insurance Company, or Private Funds.

Competitive Marketplace

Shopping around takes a lot of time and effort. The mortgage process within today’s very competitive marketplace intimidates many Canadian homebuyers. It pays to work with a mortgage professional who will represent you and ensure the mortgage you get is the one best suited to your needs. Best of all, our services are completely free to use. Let us do the leg work to save you time and money!

When multiple mortgage lenders compete for your business, you can often get a lower interest rate and a product that is customized to your needs.

We are professionals

We can walk you through it step by step, answering all of your questions and concerns when you need us, not just during banker’s hours!

We are professionals, dedicated and passionate about helping our clients realize their home ownership dreams. From pre-approval and planning, right to unlocking the door to your new home, We are here to help you navigate the entire process.

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